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Box Game

The box game is very simple and good for all ages. Usually it is played indoors but it can be played outdoors too. Everyone needs to sit in a circle around the box.  The aim is to pick up the box with your teeth. However, the twist is you are not allowed to touch the floor […]

Key Game

The players sit in two rows of chairs facing each other, holding hands behind their backs. The coin flipper sits at one end, equal distance from the front two players. At the opposite end of the two rows, set another chair (a full arms reach of the last two players) and place the keys on […]

Yurt Circle

You will need an even number of people for this activity Hold hands standing in a circle. Move outwards until everyone’s arms are outstretched, but not taut. Number people alternately around the circle, number 1 and number 2. On a count of three, all the 1s should lean towards the centre of the circle and […]

In the picture

Discuss the way young people are shown in articles, photos and adverts in the media.

Everybody up

Getting everybody on their feet. Needs 2 or more people at each location.


A game of teamwork to find hidden werewolves who are terrorising a village

Raft Building

Flooding and seal level rises could cause more climate refugees – can you co-operate effectively to build a raft to reach safety?

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