Browse or search for themes, ideas and activities to inspire a programme for your group that brings Woodcraft Folk’s aims & principles to life!
The perfect programme will contain a range of different types of activities, and explore big ideas in ways that are fun and accessible to young people. As our young members get older, they’ll be able to take more responsibility for planning and leading their own activities, supported by our adult volunteers.
To help you find the right resources, you can look for activities by age group, topic or type, as well as resource packs produced by Woodcraft Folk and our partners. Alternatively you can search all resources by keyword below. Additional programme resources can also be found in the Resource Drive.
Our digital archive of group activities – games, discussions, craft and more – searchable by age group, topic and type of activity.
Browse our back catalogue of activity packs — including collections of activities and information on running groups.
Check out our Safeguarding resources to make sure you can deliver safe and enjoyable activities for young members and volunteers
If you can’t find what you are looking for, please email
Woodcraft Folk, Holyoake House, Hanover Street, Manchester, M60 0AS • Phone: (+44) 020 7703 4173 • Email:
Woodcraft Folk is a registered charity in England & Wales (1148195) and in Scotland (SC039791), and a company registered in England & Wales, Company No. 8133727 • ©2022
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