Finance & Group Admin

Formal registration of your group with Woodcraft Folk 

This is absolutely vital – you’re not a Woodcraft Folk group without it.

You initially registered an intention to open a group, but once you officially open and have agreed to start running regular group nights & activities, your new group registration form needs to be completed and returned to head office. Two Woodcraft members are required to complete the online form found here.

Groop – our online group management platform

Groop Is our group management platform which enables local groups to communicate with one another on a local level, online child registrations, manage events and online payments. The aim of Groop is to help you grow, become more sustainable and reduce your administrative time. 

Each new group will be given a profile on the platform. We require all groups to engage with child registration, annual registration and identify their officeholders. All other areas of the platform are at your discretion. 

Guidance on how to use Groop can be found here. All new groups will be offered training on how to use the platform. Any questions email

Annual Group Registration 

Each year your group is expected to register and pay registration fees to the Woodcraft Folk. Group registration fees will need to be paid by your group every year as your financial contribution to the Woodcraft Folk movement. Annual registration ensures that groups are recognised and that Woodcraft Folk can provide them with support and background services including essential things such as public liability insurance, charity registration, financial accountability and safeguarding. 

Annual group registration will need to be completed via Groop. Guidance will be sent to the coordinator in November for completion by January of the following year. 

Open a group bank account 

We strongly recommend that all groups open a bank account to manage the charitable funds that they will be responsible for. All Woodcraft Folk groups must bank with the Unity Trust Bank. To find out about how to apply for a Unity Trust account and guidance on applying head here

Agree setup plan and budget 

Your treasurer will have to keep accurate records of income and expenditure, and submit a financial return each year, but it is important that everyone shares responsibility for financial decision making and planning from the start.

  • Agree a budget together. Review it at the start of each term so you know how much money you can spend on materials for example.  
  • Agree a system for claiming expenses, and for taking and recording subs. Ensure everyone understands this. 
  • Once your group is running, ensure all spending is agreed democratically, and everyone knows how to claim money back. 

Finance resources like our Treasurers Handbook can be found on our website.

Submitting an Annual Financial return 

Every year the Woodcraft Folk has to submit its accounts to the Charity Commission for approval. As we’re all one charity your group will need to provide financial information to be included.

Toward the end of each year financial return forms are sent out by email to Group or District Treasurers. Your group will be required to complete and return a financial statement for the period of 1st January – 31st December of the previous year with a copy of the group’s end of year bank account statement (if applicable).  If your group has only been open for a small part of the previous year you are still required to provide this information. We’re on hand to support new groups with producing their first financial return. Any questions can be sent to

Raise funds to support your group 

  • Grant applications – There is support online to help you with external funding applications:
  • Gift Aid – Any donations you receive can be increased by ¼ if the donor is a UK taxpayer and fills out a short gift aid form. In many cases you can claim Gift Aid on money paid by parents/carers – this is explained fully in our guidance and information on gift aid.
  • Fundraising events – Sponsored walks, baking sales, jumble sales. These can be a fun way to involve everyone in raising money and it can also help raise your profile in the local community. 


Public liability – all registered Woodcraft Folk groups who comply with our policies and procedures  are covered by our annual Public liability insurance. The value of cover is £5MIL . This insures all Woodcraft Folk activities and any third party claims that can be made (theft, damage, personal injury etc). A copy of our public liability insurance certificate can be found here. 

Equipment – As a new Woodcraft Folk group you may at some point consider purchasing some larger items such as tents, marquees, camping equipment, parachutes etc. These items should be insured against things like damage and theft. Woodcraft Folk offers all groups the opportunity to join the national policy and insure their equipment. The current cost of insuring equipment for groups is £10 per every £1000 worth of equipment plus a 10% admin fee. Invoices are prepared and sent out to Group & District Treasurers in April. 

If you would like to insure your equipment with woodcraft Folk or have any questions contact 

Continue on your new group journey

The New Group Journey is organised into seven broad subject areas:
1. People you need 
2. Working together
3. Publicity and outreach
4. Finance & Group Admin
5. Programme planning 
6. Being part of the Folk
7. Staying safe


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