Endangered Species Modelling
Make models of endangered animals
Sustainability Board Game
Make a board game to explore ideas of sustainability
Pizza Food Miles
Get you group thinking about food miles, and eating tasty pizza!
Colours and Feelings
Explore cooperation through painting and colour
Diversity Challenge
Find out about the diversity in your group
Sticky Aliens
A cooperative tag game
The Banana Game
A role play about what fair trade means
Games Workshop
Get children working together to invent their own game
Space on my Right
Players stand in a circle with a gap. A great way to learn names to fill the space on my right
Can the catchers connect everyone to their base?
Making cards for Prisoners for Peace
You may want to try this activity near to the 1st of December, which is Prisoners for Peace Day and make cards to send to Prisoners of Peace.
Making Up the Rules
Most of the group will play a game of catch, throwing a ball around between members of a circle. Three people will form a panel that is making up the rules. How does it feel to not be in control?