In the picture
Discuss the way young people are shown in articles, photos and adverts in the media.
Water Relay
This is an outside game and best for summer as people might get wet.
Desert Island
A fun introductory game requiring a bit of concentration
Musical Meeting
A game for getting to know each other
A fun game to learn names
True or False
A game for getting to know people
A game for getting to know people’s names
The sun shines on…
An energetic game that will mix your group up a bit
Aims and Principles
Look at perfomance/presentions from ‘Explaining WcF’. Read the A&P. Are Aims and Principles shown in presentations
Explaining Woodcraft Folk
Ask group members to think about WcF. Why do they come, what do they like about the group.
Everybody up
Getting everybody on their feet. Needs 2 or more people at each location.
Co-operative Aeroplane Making
In pairs, make a paper aeroplane using only one hand each.