While a player in the centre has their eyes closed, one of the other players changes the way they are sitting
Group Treaty
Discuss your ideas about conflict resolution, to create a group treaty.
The sun shines on…
An energetic game that will mix your group up a bit
What Does Peace Mean?
What words and ideas do we associated with the word peace?
Trees people and CO2
In this variation of Goblins, Wizards and Giants see whether the trees can win against all the Co2
What do you think?
The Pioneers should position themselves on a line between ‘agree’ and ‘disagree’ according to their opinion about various issues. Read out the statements one by one and ask the participants to stand on the ‘agree’ side of the line or the ‘disagree’ side. After each statement ask the Pioneers why they are standing where they […]
Aims and Principles
Look at perfomance/presentions from ‘Explaining WcF’. Read the A&P. Are Aims and Principles shown in presentations
Explaining Woodcraft Folk
Ask group members to think about WcF. Why do they come, what do they like about the group.
Everybody up
Getting everybody on their feet. Needs 2 or more people at each location.
International Museum
Make an international museum using material collected before the session
The Trading Game
Think about world trade with this simulation game
Understanding Aid and Debt Simulation
Think about global debt and play a game to understand how it works