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Woodcraft Folk young members have their say on climate change

In May, many young Woodcraft Folk members took part in the think tank New Philanthropy Capital (Think NPC) Everyone’s Environment programme by sharing their views, thoughts and feelings about the climate and nature crisis. DFs at their Spring Awakening event and participant’s from Young leader training, Green Influencers in Leeds and Pioneer and Venturer groups […]

Journey of Youth Leadership Participants Head to Santiago

At the end of April, two participants from Woodcraft Folk travelled to Santiago, Chile to take part in a toolkit development workshop which was the third international event for the Journey of Youth Leadership project. Woodcraft Folk have been participating in the project with other IFM-SEI organisations since 2021. The project is funded by the […]

Woodcraft Folk members contribute to Everyone’s Environment programme

The Everyone’s Environment programme, headed by Think NPC launched the first of three briefings last week, that will be published over the coming months. The briefings explore how environmental change and environmental policies will impact different social groups including young people, older people, disabled people and people from ethnic minority communities. The programme is a […]

Young Woodcraft Folk members share survey insights with UN Human Rights

This year the UN Human Rights Office will be writing a report that will be presented to governments about how children’s rights are protected in different countries. This is all leading up to March 2024 where state representatives will negotiate a resolution to all the points made in the report. The UNHRO will then discuss […]

Growing with grief toolkit launched by youth organisation Woodcraft Folk

Since 2021, Lauren Karstadt Woodcraft Folk’s Development Officer and the The Kite Trust, an organisation that supports the wellbeing and creativity of LGBTQ+ young people, have been working together to create the “Growing with grief” toolkit. The toolkit will act as a guide to navigate grief in youth work, by, with and for young people and […]

Winds of Change project – open for applicants!

On the 7th of April Woodcraft Folk’s Development Officer Eireny and young participant Alex made their way to Portugal. This trip was to begin planning for the international project Winds of Change, which is a summer youth exchange involving representatives from the UK, Portugal, Estonia, Hungary, Spain (and potentially France and Italy). They were hosted […]

Kids got Rights! heads to Austria

Kids Got Rights! is a two-year project led by IFM-SEI and funded by the European Union’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014-2022). The project brings together young people from seven organisations across Europe. Our partner organisations in the project are Nuorten Kotkien Keskusliitto (NKK, Finland),  Arciragazzi (Italy),  Esplais Catalans (ESPLAC, Spain), University of Barcelona (UB, […]

Members needed for Decarbonisation Working Group

For decades youth charity Woodcraft Folk have engaged in climate change education, supporting its young members to raise awareness and encourage behavioural change amongst their peers and the wider public. Woodcraft Folk’s environmental themed projects such as C-Change, Face your Elephant, Edinburgh Power Pod and many more have supported and inspired a whole generation to […]

Woodcraft Folk secure carbon literacy funding

Woodcraft Folk are delighted to have been successful in their recent funding application to the Royal Society of Chemistry. It is the first time that the RSC has supported Woodcraft Folk activities and the charity are looking forward to future collaborations. The outreach grant will enable Woodcraft Folk to develop partnership work with the Future […]

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