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Being part of the Folk

All Woodcraft Folk groups work slightly differently, but we share strong values that help us work together positively. Connecting to individuals and groups within the wider movement will mean you have access to support when you need

Get in touch 

Visiting an existing group is a great way to see first hand how a Woodcraft Folk group works and meet like minded volunteers. To find out what groups run nearby use our map. Arrange to visit them on a regular group night to get a feel for what your group might look like and get first hand advice. 

Woodcraft Folk has a small staff team on hand to help volunteers with the day to day running of their groups and support their sustainability. If you have any questions feel free to reach out to the team for help. Check out our staff list where you can find all contact details.

Participate in WcF democracy and national events 

Woodcraft members shape how the organisation works across the UK. Find out about how Woodcraft Folk operates: General Council (our trustees), AGM, and our branch structure are all things you can familiarise yourself with with our website. Once you’ve got to grips with running your group, you might want to consider getting involved at the district, regional, or national level. See our Volunteer Guide for more information 

Camps and Centres

At Woodcraft Folk every year we run national camp events for our different age groups. We encourage new groups to get involved as they can be a great introduction to camping with the support of a national infrastructure. You may also wish to reach out to local groups in your regions to discuss camping together at local level.  Event information is usually sent directly to Group Coordinators, but feel free to keep an eye on our Woodcraft calendar.

We also run a number of centres and campsites that you can book to host your local camps. For more information go to our centre page

Online Resources & Guidance materials 

Our website has a wealth of information and resources  including training guides, safeguarding resources and policies, group night activity packs, finance and fundraising etc. Go to our resources section.

If you’re unable to find out what you are looking for contact our friendly membership team at

Get t-shirts from our online shop 

Woodcraft Folk costume is a green top with our logo. Children and adults can choose to wear the traditional green shirt, “woodie hoodies” or design and make their own t-shirt. Go here to stock up on Folk designs such as our iconic hoodies and many new designs and products including bags, t-shirts, stickers, sweatshirts and more.

Continue on your new group journey

The New Group Journey is organised into seven broad subject areas:
1. People you need 
2. Working together
3. Publicity and outreach
4. Finance
5. Programme planning 
6. Being part of the Folk
7. Staying safe


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