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New Group Journey — Introduction

Introduction to resources

The New Group Journey aims to support you set up and run a successful group. The set of resources contains The New Group Journey is a set of resources aimed to support you to set up and run a successful group. They include a timeline and guidance booklet all available for download on our website.

You can work through each resource in any order or just go straight to the information you want.

  • The New Group Journey timeline is a 1 page summary showing how the steps in each area fit together, in 3 stages: ‘finding people’ to ‘planning your group’ and your ‘first term and beyond’. Available for download on this page.
  • The New Group Journey guidance booklet gives further details about each of the 7 broad subject area and is availalble as a downloadadble booklet or you can view the individual worksheets below.

The New Groups Project has developed these resources in response to members’ feedback and experience of what works. The resources build on wider development work including the Tree project. They aim to help groups grow and be sustainable.

Continue on your new group journey

The New Group Journey is organised into seven broad subject areas:
1. People you need 
2. Working together
3. Publicity and outreach
4. Finance & Group Admin
5. Programme planning 
6. Being part of the Folk
7. Staying safe


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