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Make Your Own Biodiversity Area


Identify your species

Do some research online to identify the best species for your area and find some seeds. Think about whether they will be in sun or shade,  how much water they will get and what insects or other animals they might attract. You can buy seeds at plant shops and online, or if you see the plants growing nearby you could ask people for cuttings or seeds.You can find advice on choosing and sourcing wildflower seeds from Grow Wild, a project run by Kew Gardens.

Make your biodiversity area

Plant out your seeds and think about the benefits of the different species and the conditions they like while you plant them.

You could make seedbombs to make your biodiversity area – especially if you are using a piece of waste land or a neglected area of a park.

Take it further

Post photos as your biodiversity area grows and blooms on social media with the hashtag #DreamBigAtHome.

You might also like to try and make you own Compost Cake to help feed your plants. Or you could make a bug hotel to give a home to insects in your biodiversity area.

Resources Required

Seeds from plants which are native to your local area and which would be beneficial to local biodiversity, planters/pots, Peat-free compost, hand tools


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