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Camp Simulator

This activity gives groups an idea of what a day at Camp 100 could look like. You will need: What to do Narrate the steps people will go through and try to get them to imagine the camp theyare in. Each of these sections can take no more than about 5 minutes and some should […]

When I Go To Camp

When I go to camp… is a game played in a clearly defined area — usually a circle. However with a bit of planning to define player order. What to do First person begins “When I go to Camp I will take…” and names something they would take, like  “a tent”. The next person repeats […]

Visa Minefield

This activity involves creating an obstacle course to reflect on how unsettling it might be to have to move from one country to another without knowing what is laying ahead. What you need Masking tape, paper or big objects, blindfolds Before you start What to do Start by telling participants they need to cross a […]

Super Woodie

Reasons for doing this activity: • To discuss the qualities needed to lead a Woodcraft Folk Group.• To plan some activities• To have fun making crafts.• To create a young person led resource about the qualities people need to run groups. What to do: Start by asking the the group about their favourite superheroes. Now […]

Elfin Leaders

At Woodcraft we are learning new things all the time. Adults learn from children and each other and children learn from adults and each other.

Same But Different

An opening activity to get elfins thinking about the issue of refugees

Co-operative Crafts

Set the group a project where the success depends on listening to each other.

Co-operative Squares

Reasons for doing this activity: • Co-operation. • Communication. • To begin a discussion on how co-operative groups are run. Before you start Print the co-operative squares handout enough times so that each small group has one complete set. Cut the squares up along the dark black lines and divide the pieces up according to […]

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