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Elfin Takeover


Start by discussing the structure of a ‘typical’ group night. Are there any things that the children particularly
look forward to? Are there any favourite songs or games? Write up the structure on a big piece of paper

In small groups or individually, ask the children to draw a ‘map’ of a Group Session with drawings. It could start with ‘Leaving home’ and end with ‘the goodbye circle’. In between might be games, a craft activity, singing, nature activities, discussions. Encourage the children to illustrate each part of the session with cartoon drawings and lots of colour. The session they map could be a remembered night or an imagined session.

Let the children share their maps with the group. Encourage a discussion about what the ‘best’ activities are. Are there any activities which they would like to see more of?

Divide the group into two halves, or work as one whole group. Using their maps, get each group to plan a group session. They can be as inventive as they like, but it must be a regular session. They can invite parents or friendly adults in to run a session, but they can’t decide to ‘Watch a film’. Encourage that the session should focus on the aims and principles of Woodcraft Folk (e.g. peace, cooperation, international friendship etc.) If doing it in two groups, once both groups have a plan they can feedback to each other. Discuss the plans as a group.
Encourage the children to suggest modifications and to praise things that they like the look of.

Over the following two group sessions support the children to deliver the sessions they have planned.
The children do not necessarily have to run the nights unless they want to.
At the end of each child planned session hold a group discussion about the session.

  • What went right?
  • What was tricky?
  • Would they change anything in their plan?
  • Is there something they would like to do again?
  • Have they enjoyed this exercise?
  • Is planning something that they would enjoy doing more of?
  • Are there ways the children could/do support planning other than running a whole group session?

Resources Required

Pen and Paper


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