Supporters Update – April 2022

Woodcraft Folk’s Aggie Taylor (Chair of General Council) and Debs McCahon (Chief Executive) hosted the latest Supporters Update on 7th April 2022 during which they shared lots of opportunities for supporters and members to engage in wider Woodcraft Folk activities including;

  1. International activities, which have resumed after COVID disruptions. The latest opportunity is an IFM-SEI co-ordinated project for young Change Makers taking place in Barcelona June 20th-26th
  2. Centre volunteering- participating in regular volunteering sessions (weekly or monthly), seasonal working parties and or joining the warden teams
  3. New group buddies supporting the development of new groups
  4. Becoming a Trustee
  5. Joining Woodcraft Folk’s Decarbonisation Group

During the update the pair also celebrated the work of local groups as they responded to the conflict in Ukraine. Many of Woodcraft Folk’s members have been involved in fundraising, collecting goods and some have even signed up to sponsor refugees. Woodcraft Folk’s peace education resources have been shared widely with other youth organisations helping to respond to the fears and concerns expressed by children and young people.

Millie, Common Ground Camp Assistant, also shared a number of roles the charity requires to be filled for Woodcraft Folk’s international camp Common Ground which varied from stewards, food distribution and individuals to support a well-being centre for children and young people. Millie reminded all members that the booking and payment deadline for Common Ground is May 2nd 2022. If anyone needs any help with their booking please contact 

Debs and Aggie concluded the event welcoming questions and feedback.

Debs McCahon says:

“I really enjoy the regular and informal nature of the Supporters Update, celebrating the achievements of the movement locally, nationally and internationally. The next session will be July 14th at 6pm”.

Click here to watch a recording of the update

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