Woodcraft Folk young members proud to be part of launched E-mpACT toolkit

E-mpACT: Youth for inclusive e-education, is a three-year project focusing on addressing the youth needs during and post covid-19 pandemic, addressing digitalization, non-formal education and international solidarity. The project aims to raise awareness in youth work by examining the pandemic’s impact on non-formal education and international solidarity. E-mpACT involves young people/youth partners from 8 countries […]
Woodcraft Folk launches Kids got Rights! toolkit

Kids Got Rights! is a two-year project led by IFM-SEI and funded by the European Union’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014-2022). The project brings together young people from seven organisations across Europe including Woodcraft Folk. Partner organisations in the project are Nuorten Kotkien Keskusliitto (NKK, Finland), Arciragazzi (Italy), Esplais Catalans (ESPLAC, Spain), University of […]
E-mpACT project heads to Berlin for methodology research weekend

From the 4th to the 6th of November, two Woodcraft Folk DFs from Brighton, Lilith and Izzy and one ESC volunteer, Eva, spent the weekend in Berlin to participate in non-formal education training on how to conduct your own research
Common Ground international camp, a huge success!

This summer, after two years of waiting, Common Ground finally happened! An international camp for young people centred around cooperation, youth empowerment and activism. More than 2700 people from across the world gathered together during 10 days to share the incredible experience of an international camp. Common Ground was an IFM-SEI (International Falcon Movement – […]
Winds of Change project – open for applicants!

On the 7th of April Woodcraft Folk’s Development Officer Eireny and young participant Alex made their way to Portugal. This trip was to begin planning for the international project Winds of Change, which is a summer youth exchange involving representatives from the UK, Portugal, Estonia, Hungary, Spain (and potentially France and Italy). They were hosted […]
Members attend international PeaceCommunicators conference

As the tragic war in Ukraine unfolded, selected Woodcraft Folk members Iolo Walker and Robyn Brown attended the international PeaceCommunicators programme seminar in Belgium along with member Bethan Manton-Roseblade supporting the training team. The programme is centred around peace education and provides a space for young people aged 16-30 years to develop the skills, attitudes, […]
New Info Pack Available

Common Ground is fast approaching! From 29 July to 8 August 2022 at Kelmarsh Hall in Northmaptonshire, thousands will be camping together in solidarity and friendship. The team are hard at work preparing a welcome for our friends from all over the world. Groups in the UK planning to attend the event will find full […]