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Reignite project supports Peckham Woodcraft Folk group

As part of the Reignite project, funded by Jack Petchey Foundation, Woodcraft Folk’s Development Officer Eireny has been working closely with volunteers in Peckham. The group has not met since before lockdown but the project is helping volunteers to rebuild and reignite the Elfin (age 6-9) group in the area following disruption caused by COVID-19.

In October, the group held a taster session which was delivered by Eireny and an enthusiastic team of volunteers. The session focused on connecting with young people in the area, reengaging past members and welcoming new friends to the group. The activities saw young people make tiny cookers out of drinks cans. The members were excited to make tiny treats on their tiny cooker. The young people who attended also played fun games, learned about Woodcraft Folk and made new friends. 

This opportunity allowed members to meet for the first time post lockdown as well as some new faces joining them.

A great time was had by all at the taster session and the group are now looking to begin meeting regularly again come November. If you are interested in joining the group in Peckham please get in touch at 

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