Selective Simon
Variation of simon says – pay attention to find out something new about your friends
How to resolve conflict
Give out copies of the How to Resolve Conflict sheets. Ask the participants to describe and share a variety of conflicts that commonly occur at the group, at home or at school. List these on a flip chart sheet. Select two or three of these ideas and discuss how the steps for resolving conflicts could […]
Analysing Advertisements
What to do Get into groups of 2 or 3 and give each group an advertisement (printed from the internet or from a magazine/newspaper), a large blank sheet of paper, a marker pen, glue and a set of questions. Each group should glue their advertisement onto the paper and spend 15 minutes discussing the questions, […]
Circle Pile-up
Get everyone onto the same chair for a circle pile up!
Face Your Carbon Elephant
Face the elephant in the room and discuss carbon usage with your group
Crossing the border
A look at the difficulties refugees have crossing borders
Exploring Stereotypes
Divide the Pioneers into groups of five or six. Give some of the groups task A and some of the groups task B.
Co-operative Puzzles
Explore co-operation and what is needed for success
Building Bridges
Co-operation and communication to build a bridge
Box Game
The box game is very simple and good for all ages. Usually it is played indoors but it can be played outdoors too. Everyone needs to sit in a circle around the box. The aim is to pick up the box with your teeth. However, the twist is you are not allowed to touch the floor […]
Chair Shuffle
This is a great ice-breaker game which also breaks up the group from sitting with their friends or by gender. Nominate one person to stand up inside the circle. That will leave an empty chair which the person in the middle must try to sit on. To stop them sitting down, one of the players […]
Key Game
The players sit in two rows of chairs facing each other, holding hands behind their backs. The coin flipper sits at one end, equal distance from the front two players. At the opposite end of the two rows, set another chair (a full arms reach of the last two players) and place the keys on […]