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How to resolve conflict

Give out copies of the How to Resolve Conflict sheets. Ask the participants to describe and share a variety of conflicts that commonly occur at the group, at home or at school. List these on a flip chart sheet. Select two or three of these ideas and discuss how the steps for resolving conflicts could […]

Chairs Game

The leader asks for volunteers from the group and waits till they come forward. Then the leader asks the volunteers to share with the rest of the group what went on in their heads between the voice that said “you should volunteer” and the voice that said “you shouldn’t volunteer”. Two chairs are then used […]

Positive about Peace

Question the idea that war is inevitable and to think about what a peaceful world could be like.

Circle Pile-up

Get everyone onto the same chair for a circle pile up!

Force the Circle

Play a game and help participants explore what it’s like to be excluded

Football Pass

Co-operatively solve how to move a football around a circle

Exploring Stereotypes

Divide the Pioneers into groups of five or six. Give some of the groups task A and some of the groups task B.

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