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Virtual Tent-Mates



Virtual Tent-Mates is a fun creative exercise to imagine who the ultimate tent-mates would be!

Choose Your Virtual Tent-Mates

Normally when your group go camping, the young people get to choose who you would like to share a tent with. You can pick from your family or friends who you will be camping with – but what if you could choose absolutely anyone?

Get your group together and explain that they will be choosing their ultimate tent-mates. They can choose from real people or fictional ones, they can be alive now or people from history, but
who would be the ultimate tent-mates and why?

Key Questions

Some questions for the group to consider – good and bad:

– Who would be the most fun to stay up chatting with?
– Who would be too chaotic and never let you go to sleep?
– Who would be super tidy and keep the tent looking beautiful?
– Who would borrow all your things and leave them strewn over the camp?
– Who would tell the best stories when you were heading off to sleep?
– Who would wake up really early when you wanted to be asleep?
– Who would be the most exciting to share a camp with?
– Who would look after you if you were feeling homesick or sad?

Final Choice

Get the group to write out who their chosen tent mates would be and why. Ask each member of the group to share who they have chosen and why.

To explore further you could also ask the group:

  • What kind of adventures might you go on with this particular selection of people?
  • Who would be the worst nightmare to share a tent with?

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