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Science Fair


Whether it’s finding new ways to live more sustainably and minimise our impact on the environment, or adapting to changing climate, innovations are going to be vital to addressing the climate emergency!

  1. Divide the group into small groups of 2-4.
  2. Give each group plenty of time (maybe across a few weeks) to prepare an experiment, prototype or display to explain one innovation they think can help us address the climate emergency. Let them know the parameters such as what space they will have to display or present their exhibit and what materials or small budget are available for them to create it.
    • For younger groups you might want to let them choose a question and use the possible project ideas from the list below. You could borrow a range of age appropriate books from the library for them to start their research.
    • For older groups, they could think of their own questions and you might want to give each group a small budget to purchase their own materials. You could arrange a visit to a local science or natural history museum to spark new ideas!
  3. Set up a space for your science fair! Invite friends, family members, neighbours, and local decision makers to attend and hear your ideas. You might want to have an exhibition for everyone to explore at their leisure, or give each group a set amount of time to present their research and ideas.

Sample questions

  • How can we use plants as a renewable source of power?
    • Try out different fruit and vegetables as batteries
    • Find out what’s good and bad about biofuels
  • How does volcanic activity relate to climate change?
    • Find out about a famous volcanic eruption and its impact on the climate
    • Explore geothermal energy
  • How can we use solar energy in our daily lives?
    • Try making a solar shower
    • Find out about solar powered transportation
  • How can we reduce plastic pollution?
    • Try recycling plastic waste into something new
    • Experiment with alternatives to plastic products like straws
  • How can we slow down sea level rises?
    • Find out about the greenhouse effect
    • Identify how sea level rises might affect where you live
  • How can we improve air quality?
    • Explore the differences in air quality in your local area
    • Experiment to see how plants impact on air quality

Take it Further

Are there any of the innovations that you want more people to know about? How could you share these?

Resources Required

Materials will depend on projects chosen


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