Woodcraft Folk Made Me

We all know that Woodcraft Folk seeks to equip and empower children and young people to make the changes in the world they wish to see. Woodcraft Folk’s camps, especially its international camps, have often been described as life changing.

As part of Woodcraft Folk’s coordination of centenary celebrations the team would love to hear from members how Woodcraft Folk has influenced their life decisions – their study choices, careers or lifestyle decisions.

At a recent conference Woodcraft Folk’s CEO was welcomed by the call ‘Woodcraft Folk made me!’. Lionel Sampson, Senior Policy Adviser to the General Secretary of the Communication Workers Union, declared passionately that his Woodcraft Folk experiences had led him to become a Trade Union workplace rep and later to join the CWU staff team. He described his experiences of international camps and fond memories of a 4 week trip to Poland, marvelling at the dedication and commitment shown by his volunteer group leaders. He was animated when describing to colleagues the sense of empowerment given to him by the Woodcraft Folk approach.

It is stories like this and others we would like to celebrate throughout our centenary. If you are willing to share your experiences please complete this short form.

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