This half term, staff members Lauren Karstadt and Eireny Akubeze, accompanied by Common Ground Camp ESC Volunteer Sandra Kourtsounioti have had the pleasure of going to a school in Aldgate. They have been working with years 3 and 4. The team have been delivering sessions around cooperation, fighting the climate crisis, teamwork, friendship and fairtrade.
The children have been encouraged to develop their cooperation skills which the children were struggling with. A lot of the activities focused on giving time for the pupils to work together and listen to their peers. Overtime, the team observed how the children have been listening to each other’s ideas and working together to complete challenges, play games and participate in other activities.
The children have particularly enjoyed our activities with making pollution catchers and exploring how fairtrade and non fairtrade food gets from farms across the globe to our supermarkets and homes.

The pupils made pollution catchers which were then decorated with statements and hopes for change for the environment. Some were pledging to walk more, drive less, throw away litter and use less water.
This is the third school where Life Skills sessions have been delivered by the Woodcraft Folk team. It has been a great experience to meet different children and introduce them to Woodcraft Folk while having fun outside of the classroom. The children have expressed how they have enjoyed their time with the Woodcraft Folk team and are encouraged to find their local group and get involved outside of the school sessions.
If you are interested in these sessions and want your school to get involved in our school life skill sessions then please contact to find out more