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Have a Good Weekend!

If you’re attending your first camp or residential with us as a volunteer, you may find that going away with Woodcraft Folk is a little different to other camping experiences or trips away. No two camps are the same, and ways of working vary from group to group. However, there are some parts of going away with Woodcraft Folk that will be the same wherever you are, like the way that adults and young people work together to prepare meals and do other essential tasks.

Take a few moments to read our guidance to give you an idea what you can expect, and what will be expected of you. This will really help you to get the most from your experience.

Whether you’re camping under canvas or staying in one of our residential centres, there’s lots about the way we camp as a group which may be new to you – this guidance introduces Woodcraft Folk’s approach to:

  • mealtimes
  • chores and ‘clans’
  • programme activities
  • free time for adults and children
  • staying safe
  • working together

Most volunteers will attend a shorter, usually local, camp for their first time away with a group. Larger camps, such as our International Camps or UK-wide Venturer Camp are much more involved, with plans taking shape over months or even years!


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