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We use online seminars (webinars) as one of the ways we offer training to our volunteers both new & old. Every year we succesfully host a number of webinars on a range of subjects that will support you all in your role as a Woodcraft Folk volunteer.

Type of resource
Responding to Concerns Webinar - December 2021
Join Owen, Woodcraft Folk's safeguarding lead, to hear about processes and procedures as well as...
Local Safeguarding Plan Webinar - October 2021
This session focuses on developing a local safeguarding plan for your group or district.
Groop Guidance
What is Groop? Groop is a group management platform which enables local groups to manage...
Supporters' Update - October
Debs McCahon, Chief Executive, and Pip Sayers, Chair of General Council, shared their latest update...
Safeguarding Introduction
Updated March 2024 How do we keep children and young people safe at Woodcraft Folk?...
Have a Good Weekend
June 2021 Now that camping and overnight activities are permitted once again, how should you...
Treasurers' Masterclass
May 2021 Join Richard Burgess-Gamble (Head of Finance), Roland Susman (National Treasurer) and Ros Epson...
Role of the Membership Secretary
June 2021 Join Woodcraft Folk’s membership and groups co-ordinator Leanne Powell for an introduction to...
Meeting Online Safely
February 2021 Join our development officers Clare Ritchie and Lauren Karstadt for an overview of...
Guidance for Face to Face Meeting
Join our head of memberships and programme for a webinar around returning to outdoor face...
New Groups Webinar
This webinar takes you through the steps needed to start a new group, showing you...
Who needs a DBS PVG check
Webinar on DBS or PVG checks

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