Members selected for PeaceCommunicators Project

Three of Woodcraft Folk’s young members have been selected to participate in the international PeaceCommunicators Project. 

The PeaceCommunicators Project is centred around peace education and provides a space for young people to develop the skills, attitudes, values and knowledge to help them build sustainable, just and supportive societies. This project will also support activities at Woodcraft Folk’s Common Ground event in the Peace & Conflict Centre in August 2022.

Funding for the project has been donated by the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe and the training is being delivered by the The International Falcon Movement – Socialist Educational International (IFM-SEI).

Young people between 16-30 years old who are active in a IFM-SEI member organisation were invited to apply to be involved in the project.

Giving young people the skills to resolve conflict peacefully is vital to support healthy and co-operative communities. 

Woodcraft Folk members, Iolo Walker, Robyn Brown and Nuala O’Rouke will all be attending the workshop hosted in Brussels from 21-27 February 2022 and member Bethan Manton-Roseblade will also be part of the Training Team for the project.

Iolo Walker, Woodcraft Folk member and PeaceCommnnicators participant says;

“Peace education is fundamental to social change. I am looking forward to see how peace education can filter into every point of life, not just through proscriptive education! But then maybe peace education expanded just means peace!”.

The PeaceCommunications project will explore key topics core to Woodcraft Folks aims and principles. Woodcraft Folk is dedicated to building a more peaceful world. Through their work they explore the causes of conflict and promote positive alternatives to violence. 

After two years of online international workshops PeaceCommunicators is the first face to face event for the charity since January 2020. 

To find out more about the International PeaceCommunicators Project read here

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