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All our Safeguarding policies, procedures, template forms and resources to help you make sure your groups maintain good safeguarding practice.

Safeguarding at Woodcraft Folk includes everything we do to ensure that children are supported effectively as they grow and develop, as well as how we will respond if a child or young person is believed to be at risk. Woodcraft Folk is part of the National Safeguarding Youth Forum, enabling us to share best practice with the wider youth work sector.

Group leaders and Local Safeguarding Leads can find more detailed operational guidance in the Resources section of Groop or in the Resource Drive (login required).

If you are concerned about child, young person or adult working within our organisation please contact

Training requirements for volunteers:


Click the button below to access the NYA’s Safeguarding hub, create a login using the ‘Youth Work One’ option and go to the “SHOP’ to select the free training option. 


Volunteer Training

Register with the NYA Safeguarding Hub


Read our Frequently Asked Questions for parents, carers and volunteers about how we keep young people safe at Woodcraft Folk

Safeguarding Policy

Read Woodcraft Folk's safeguarding policy, which sets out roles, responsibilities and expectations for our volunteers

Our safeguarding resources:

Type of resource
Safeguarding Pocket Guide
Dowload our pocket guide to safeguarding for volunteers to make sure key information about staying...
Local Safeguarding Leads Induction
This session is aimed local Safeguarding leads who are new to their role or for...
Camping checklist and minimum expectations for overnight trips
Watch our webinar on how to prepare for a safe, engaging and enjoyable camp or...
DBS online system for Membership Secretaries - Know Your People
Information to help you access the online DBS system and verify an application.
Applying for a DBS Certificate - Know Your People
If you want to volunteer with us and work with our children and young people,...
Safeguarding Policy
Woodcraft Folk’s Safeguarding Policy must be followed by everyone, and across all the organisation’s activities,...
PVG & Screening webinar
This webinar is aimed at Scottish Membership Secretaries. The online video takes you through the...
Supporting young people with additional needs
This online session is aimed at group leaders and helpers. The webinar covers inclusion, reasonable...
Transport to Camps & Residentials
Advice on transporting volunteers, young people and equipment to your campsite or residential venue
Gas Safety Guidance
Advice for groups on the safe use of bottled gas (LPG cylinders) for cooking at...

If you can’t find what you are looking for, please email 

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