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General Council meeting February 2021

General Council, Woodcraft Folk’s Trustee Board, met on Saturday 27th February 2021 to discuss finances, centres and the ongoing impact of COVID-19.

General Council reviewed the financial position of 2020 and the 2021 budget. There is currently a £34k deficit budget forecast, which we hope we can improve on as our centres reopen.

General Council also approved updated Terms of Reference for Centres and Centre Committees making a strong commitment to the network of centres and campsites. It has been agreed that whilst centres need to be financially sustainable, they need to prioritise contirbuting to Woodcraft Folk’s charitable objectives and achieving education for social change.

General Council looked at how we will measure and monitor the impact of the business plan changes approved in February 2020. Including greater use of impact and satisfaction surveys of children, young people, volunteers and staff.

General Council also recieved reports on the 2020 financial position, project activities and staffing issues. 

General Council meet alternative months by Zoom.

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