1h +

Our group activities at your fingertips — search by age group, how big your group is, the kind of activity you want to do or the topic you want to explore. If you want activities to do at home, check out Dream Big at Home, our home activities site.

Socially distanced activities
Socially distanced activities
Activity types
Age suitability
Age suitability
Group sizes
Art materials to make and create with

Natural Fibre Fashion

Take a look at your clothes to find out where they’re made and what they’re made of - and find another use for stinging nettles
Art materials to make and create with

Raft Building

Flooding and seal level rises could cause more climate refugees - can you co-operate effectively to build a raft to reach safety?
Art materials to make and create with

Shelter Building

Can you co-operate with your group to build a shelter that will stand up to the weather?
group of teenagers having a discussion


Many of those hit hardest by climate change are the least able to make changes based on injustices they face. Reparations are about us using our privilege to support them.
group of teenagers having a discussion

Making Change

Practice the skills you need to make change in your community by making a placard, speaking to an audience or the media.
group of teenagers having a discussion

Climate Refugees

Families in some parts of the world are already having to flee their homes due to the effects of climate change - this activity explores some of their stories
Children playing a clapping game

Whose Fault is it?

Take on a role and think about how a range of climate issues would affect you
Art materials to make and create with

Science Fair

Use your collective climate change knowledge to find and share possible solutions!
Art materials to make and create with

Eco Bricks

Single use plastic causes pollutes the natural environment - make your own Eco Bricks to capture and reuse harmful plastic waste!
arrow made of sticks

Citizen Science

We can’t save the natural world without understanding it. Become a citizen scientist to help us learn and plan for the future!
Art materials to make and create with

Make Your Own Biodiversity Area

Take action to improve the biodiversity of your local area at whatever scale you can.
arrow made of sticks

Bird Behaviour

Head to your local park, nature reserve, or even just a tree-lined street to discover the behaviour of different bird species in your neighbourhood.

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