Children’s Alliance – Venturers

This Session aims to equip Venturers with the knowledge and skills to add their voice to and prioritise to the Children’s Alliances demands, including that for a Cabinet Minister for Children and Young People.

Taking to the Streets

get into small groups to discuss and rank which topics would make them ‘Most Likely to Take to the Streets’ or ‘Least Likely to Take to the Streets’.

Play your role

Debate a hot topic with some helpful, and some less helpful participants

Share a Skill

Instructions Firstly ask the group to think about what they each enjoy doing and what they think they are good at. You could also ask the group what they think each other are good at also. Remind the group that everyone has a different skill to share – it might seem easy to them but […]

Diversity game show

The group(s) are asked a range of questions and the aim of the activity is to get as many ‘diversity points’ as possible within the time limit.


This a quiet activity to encourage venturers to think about their life and to get to know better other people.

Knowing me, knowing you – Discussion

After doing the knowing me, knowing you activities (knowing me knowing you statements, diversity game show and Jigsaw) Facilitate a discussion that considers the following:

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