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Planet of Aliens


This is a simulation game about aliens from different planets, to show the importance of communication and dialogue
in transforming conflicts

What you need:

• 5 pieces of cardboard
• 1 pair of scissors
• 2 glue sticks
• 2 rulers
• 5 pencils
• A stack of old newspapers
• The story (appendix 1 – found in resources)
• Role cards for the three groups and notes for the invisible aliens (appendices 2 and 3 – found in resource pack)
• Notepads (or sheets of paper) for the invisible aliens
• A glass of water for every participant and some extra jugs of water for refilling

What to do:

  1. Read out the story (found in resources PDF) to the participants.
  2. Divide the participants into four groups. The first three groups represent aliens from three different planets,
    and will be given a role card to play. The fourth group represents invisible aliens already living on the planet.
    They will observe and take notes during the activity.
  3. Hand out the role cards and instructions for the invisible aliens and ask the groups to read their role and
    discuss it together. They can agree on rituals, make a flag or anything else that will help them get into their
  4. After ten minutes, ask the groups to build a shelter. They have 15 minutes to do so.
  5. When they are finished, ask them to go back into their groups and talk about the following questions, while
    still representing the culture of their planet. If you have several facilitators, then each can go with one of
    the groups to moderate. The invisible aliens can also divide themselves among the groups.
    • How did you feel building the shelter?
    • Are you happy with the result?
    • What do you think about the building process?
    • Did you feel respected at all times? When did someone not respect you?
    • What do you think about the characteristics of the aliens from other planets?
  6. Come back together in a circle and share some results from the group discussions. Then ask everyone to
    shake their bodies to get rid of their roles and become themselves again.


  • How did you feel playing your role?
  • Invisible aliens: what do you think about the process? What did you observe?
  • Was it easy or difficult to work together? Why?
  • Looking back, what could you have improved to work together better?
  • Do you think this situation was realistic? Have you ever heard about similar situations or seen something like this happening?
  • Do you think it is possible to live together peacefully with people from different cultures?
  • Why do you think some people resist living together peacefully?
  • How can we reach a peaceful society?

Take it further

Why not take it further and try our activity where you imagine a world without war or if you enjoyed role play why not mediation.

Resources Required

• 5 pieces of cardboard • 1 pair of scissors • 2 glue sticks • 2 rulers • 5 pencils • A stack of old newspapers • The story (appendix 1) • Role cards for the three groups and notes for the invisible aliens (appendices 2 and 3) • Notepads (or sheets of paper) for the invisible aliens • A glass of water for every participant and some extra jugs of water for refilling


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