

Put on the music and hand out the pens, scissors and paper. Ask the group to cut their sheet of paper into four pieces and head them:

  • My family
  • Things I like
  • Things I don’t like
  • How I want people to see me

Then encourage them to lie on the floor for a few quiet minutes to think about these different pieces of their life. When they are ready they should draw or write something on each of the four pieces to represent this aspect of themselves.
Once they have completed their jigsaw the group should then scatter their own pieces on the floor.

Once all the pieces of all the jigsaws are shuffled on the floor, the group should work together to find the pieces for each jigsaw and stick them on the wall so they join together. They should also be stuck so that each person’s jigsaw joins on to others.

Once everyone has stuck their jigsaw to the wall, encourage them to spend a few minutes quietly looking at what other people have drawn or written.

Discussion Questions

  • Did you learn something new about anyone in the group?
  • What do you have in common with other people in the group?
  • What was very different?

Resources Required

Coloured pens/pencils, paper, sticky tack, pins or any way to stick the sheets up, scissors, ideally an ipod or similar and speakers, plus some relaxing music.


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