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Curse of the Burnout


This activity helps young people understand burnout and how to avoid it. Recommended for Pioneers and older. A Woodcraft alternative to “Werewolf”.

What you need:

As many printed character cards as there are players (or assign roles to playing cards).
Note: There should always be 1 “Burnout”, 1 “Volunteer Support”, 1 “Comms Lead” and 2 “Woodies”. If playing with a smaller group, ignore the extra players throughout the game guide. If playing with a bigger group, the addition of 2 “Secret Friends” and 1 “Village Coordinator” can be added. As the group size increases, you can increase the amount of “Burnout” and “Volunteer Support” and fill the rest with more “Woodies”.

What to do

Intro: Although we get a lot out of being a part of Woodcraft Folk, young people and adults alike, sometimes things can get a bit too much and this impacts us negatively. This is often referred to as “burnout”. In order to make sure the events we run are enjoyable for everyone involved, “volunteer support” is there in the background to make sure those that are looking after us get the support they need to not burnout. After playing this game, take some time to think about how each role might be reflected within your own group and come up with some ways you can help prevent burnout in the first place!
How to play: The Curse of Burnout takes place over a series of game days & nights of
camp. During the camp days the woodies work together to determine who among them
is spreading burnout throughout the camp and vote once per day to help rid them of
the curse. The game ends if all woodies are burnt out (burnout wins) or if no burnout
remains (Woodies win). Enjoy and good luck.

All players start by sitting in a circle. Choose your Comms Lead – someone who understands the rules or has played werewolf/mafia before.

The first night – the Comms Lead asks:

  • All players to close their eyes to signify night has commenced
  • The Secret Friends to raise their hands, while keeping their eyes closed. Thus disclosing their roles without revealing their identities to each other.
  • The Burnout to wake up, making themselves known to the Comms Lead and to each other. They are then asked to choose someone to drain and then to go back to sleep. If the Burnout chooses a Woodie, their energy is drained and they must act sluggish, if they choose the Volunteer Support, there is no effect.

The Volunteer Support to wake up, making themselves known to the Comms Lead and to each other. They are then asked to choose someone to support and then to go back to sleep. If the Volunteer Support chooses a burnt out Woodie, they gain their energy back, if they choose the Burnout, there is no effect.

The first day

The comms Lead wakes everyone up, they do not announce who has been drained, but do announce if anyone has been saved, e.g. “someone was/no one was saved last night”.
If playing with a Village Coordinator they are voted upon now.
Woodies vote on who they think the Burnout are (with the Village Coordinator getting two votes). If the woodies vote for a woodie who has been burnt out rather than the Burnout, there is no effect. However if the woodies vote for the Burnout, they support them and by morning the Burnout becomes a Woodie.

The following nights – The Comms Lead asks:

The Burnout to wake up (only those who started with the role) to choose one person
to drain. Then go back to sleep.
The Volunteer Support to wake up to choose one person to support. Then go back
to sleep.

The following days

The Comms Lead announces if someone has been saved.
They then lead a discussion ending in the vote.

Resources Required



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