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Barriers to peace


This is an activity where groups design their own walls to explore their function in conflict situations and how they
affect people

What you need:

  • Roll of wallpaper or big sheet of paper
  • Markers
  • Scissors
  • Decoration materials


Set up two working spaces with a big piece of wallpaper, markers, scissors, decoration material etc. The spaces
should be in two different rooms

What to do

  1. Split the group into two and ask them to go to the two separate working spaces. Explain to each group
    separately that their task is to create a really good wall. Don’t tell them what the wall is for, but encourage
    them to create a really good, strong wall that the other group cannot pass. They can use any materials
    they want.
  2. After 20 minutes, the groups take it in turns to visit the other who will present their wall, standing behind it.
  3. Ask the visiting group:
    • What do you think about the wall of the other group?
    • How does it make you feel to stand in front of it?
    • Do you think you could get to the other side of the wall?
    • Why would you like to get to the other side?


• Why do you think you built the wall? Why do people build walls in general?
• What famous walls do you know or have you already heard about? You can show the group pictures of
famous walls, for example between Mexico and the US.
• Are there any problems in being protected in this way? What would change in your life if you had a wall
around you?
• We might feel safer while we are behind a wall. We might not get hurt and there might not be fighting. How
does it make the people on the outside feel?
• Rather than build walls to feel safe, what can we do to build peace?

Take it further

If you enjoyed this activity and learning about he different barriers to peace why not try coming up with a group treaty or imagine a world without war.

Resources Required

Roll of wallpaper or big sheet of paper Markers Scissors Decoration materials


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