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Woodcraft Folk’s Statement on the UK’s planned deportations to Rwanda

Woodcraft Folk stands for equality,  inclusion, peace and international friendship and aims to enable and empower children and young people to become active in their communities and the wider world. 

The Rwandan deportation scheme aims to remove individuals seeking asylum here in the UK to Rwanda to undergo the process there. This is an immoral attempt to avoid the responsibility the UK has to those seeking asylum and against the values of our organisation. We condemn this scheme and the whole attempt to create an inhospitable environment in the UK. 

We stand in solidarity with those fleeing persecution and war and with everyone who is forced to make difficult and dangerous decisions for a safer life.

We stand with those defending human rights, including the lawyers, activists and anyone who spoke out or protested these planned deportations.

This flight was stopped by the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) who triggered special interim measures, preventing the removal of the seven people on board the flight. The ECHR will ensure the UK’s compliance with the European Convention of Human Rights as the UK continues to be a member of this body. 

While the flight planned to depart the UK on the 14th of June has been temporarily grounded, the threat of deportation is still a terrifying reality for many here in the UK. 

We encourage our group leaders to discuss this scheme with the children and young people who attend our groups.  

Woodcraft Folk resources to explore topics such as deportation and asylum can be found here: 

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