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Woodcraft Folk to embark on 15k fundraiser to fund Adventures for All

From 28th – 5th Dec youth organisation Woodcraft Folk are taking part in the Big Give Christmas Campaign to raise 15k in funds for their Adventures for All. During the campaign week, every donation will be doubled thanks to match funder the Reed Foundation and the charity are asking for people to donate this Christmas to gift a child a Woodcraft Folk adventure!

In 2025, Woodcraft Folk turn 100, celebrating a centenary of working to provide opportunities to children and young people though local group nights, residential centres, programme activity and campaigning. Adventures for All perfectly aligns with Woodcraft Folk’s ethos of reducing barriers and creating opportunities so that all young people to have access to adventures and be able to participate in camps.

Woodcraft Folk aims to host 30,000 night stays in 2024 and they say by donating to their fundraiser this Christmas, you can help them ensure more children have the adventure of a lifetime. If they reach their fundraising target, it would enable a minimum of 15,000 children and young people to benefit from a Woodcraft Folk experience in 2024. Woodcraft Folk will be spending the funds raised on discounted camp places; introducing extra residential events; volunteer training; residential centre upkeep; and more.

Woodcraft Folk Fundraiser Cici says:

“We want to do everything we can to reduce financial and geographical barriers to attending Woodcraft Folk camps, so that children and young people with the most to gain can benefit from our adventurous outdoor education. Sometimes that’s as simple as providing access funds to Pioneer Camp, but there are also bigger changes we need to make. We want to reach out to new communities with Camps for All from Scotland to the Way Valley to London; provide residential training for group volunteers in new districts; and improve accessibility and reduce carbon emissions at our centres. Our fundraiser will make a big impact if the goal is reached, by donating you really can make a difference to young peoples lives.”

Woodcraft Folk are campaigning that young people across the UK want more opportunities to have adventures away from home (DCMS Youth Review 2021), and want to do more to look after the environment (Children’s People and Nature Survey for England 2022). Aside from offering fun and educational activities the charity say that after accessing outdoor learning experiences, children and young people are better at working together, more confident, and happier (Adventures Away from Home 2023).

Since 2020, Woodcraft Folk note that children’s wellbeing has become all the more important due to a sharp rise in mental health issues in children and young people, and for 17-19-year-olds the figures keep rising (NHS Digital 2022). Woodcraft Folk say their residentials and camps are a brilliant answer to these problems for many young people.

Cici adds “Each trip funded by this campaign will an adventure for a child who otherwise would not be able to attend, full of co-operative play, social action, environmental & peace education.”

To find out more and learn where to donate during the campaign week, to give a child a Woodcraft Folk adventure in 2024 head to

If you’re not able to donate, or if you’d like to help Woodcraft Folk more, the charity are asking for people to please share their campaign with friends, family and colleagues. Could your company donate, or are you a member of a trade union? Let them know why this campaign is important to you, and ask them to donate.

If you’re on social media, you can Follow Woodcraft Folk to keep up to date with the campaign and find posts you can share with your friends, colleagues and family.

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