Woodcraft Folk secure carbon literacy funding

Woodcraft Folk are delighted to have been successful in their recent funding application to the Royal Society of Chemistry. It is the first time that the RSC has supported Woodcraft Folk activities and the charity are looking forward to future collaborations.

The outreach grant will enable Woodcraft Folk to develop partnership work with the Future We Want organisation who are passionate about creating opportunities and supporting others to learn about sustainability.

A spokesperson from the RSC says:

“The panel were very positive about the activity planned by Woodcraft Folk with the funding and the audience it would be reaching. In particular, it is great to hear that the young people have asked for this and that they will be trained as ambassadors to disseminate climate action and education information.”

The funding is also allowing for a small group of young people from Woodcraft Folk to receive carbon literacy training as part of a climate action residential event to be held at the charity’s Cudham Environmental Activities Centre. If anyone is interested in the residential, there are still some spaces available – all ages are welcome.

The residential participants will be introduced to the ‘How Bad are Bananas?’ carbon footprint game and will begin the process of measuring Cudham’s carbon footprint. The young people who complete the residential, will receive accreditation through the Carbon Literacy Trust.

The Cudham event is part of wider activity led by Woodcraft Folk, which will educate young people, teachers and youth workers about climate change. Over the next few months the charity will be:

  • Supporting young people to produce informative podcasts sharing their views on climate change
  • Sharing educational resources and group night session plans on climate change and climate justice
  • Delivering workshops at the charity’s international camp, Common Ground this summer
  • Creating a badgework programme for Elfins, Pioneers and Venturers

Woodcraft Folk have a wide selection of resources available on environmental activities and climate science which can be accessed at https://woodcraft.org.uk/activity/. The resources may be of particular interest to groups, youth leaders and schools.

To enquire about the residential weekend please email Lauren at lauren.karstadt@woodcraft.org.uk and to find out more about Future We Want head here.

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