Camps for All heads to Lockerbrook Farm Outdoor Centre

During October half term young people from Oxfordshire, London, Leeds, Herefordshire and Newcastle came together for a camp for all. The group was made up of young people age between 10 and 15 years, some of the participants were already members of youth organisation Woodcraft Folk the camp host and for some this was their first experience with the organisation. The residential took place at Woodcraft Folk’s Lockerbrook Farm Outdoor Activity Centre in the beautiful Peak District, “I love the view from the bench” – Amima (participant).

Part of the weekend saw the group take part in adventurous activities such as crate stacking and rock climbing as well as cooperative challenges such as getting a rope around each other in the quickest time!

Participants (and leaders) took part in a blindfold trail in the woods and worked together to get their small groups across the course. All of the activities were a great way for the group to get to know each other, learn new skills and build resilience (especially in the rain!).

The group played games together and in the evenings the activities didn’t stop with a night walk on the first night and an interactive quiz night on the final night of the residential.

During the weekend, the group took part in ‘clans’ where everyone was able to play a part in the preparation, cooking and washing up of each meal. “I really liked the eggy bread” – Participant, age 12.

The residential was led by Woodcraft Folk staff, ESC volunteers and the tea was supported by two DFs (age 17) who helped to deliver the games, quiz and other activities. “I will remember doing the activities in the rain and working collaboratively with my groups” – Holina, age 17. 

The residential finished with a walk down the Derwent reservoir which can be seen from the centre.

Woodcraft Folk staff and volunteers are already preparing for the next event which will take place at Cudham Environmental Activities Centre 17 – 19 Feb – sign up now or register to hear about future camps.

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