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Who made your 2020? Woodcraft Folk Honours List

Who made your 2020?

At Woodcraft Folk want to recognise those who used our aims and principles (cooperation, education for social change, children’s rights, international understanding, equality, looking our for our nature and environment and peace) during 2020 to help and support others in their household, friends or wider community. 

This doesn’t have to be someone who is part of Woodcraft Folk and this person can be any age and from any background. We are just looking to recognise those who have shown use of our aims and principles to help others, promote education for social change and/or span the world with friendship during a year that has been very difficult for most. 

Fill in the nomination form to let us know who you would like to nominate and why they should be recognised for a chance for them to receive recognition and a Woodie Hoodie. 

Nominations to close at the end of January.

More information or questions get in touch to

group of 10 children playing in a stream in the woods

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