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Safeguarding Policy

Woodcraft Folk’s Safeguarding Policy must be followed by everyone, and across all the organisation’s activities, to make sure all children and young people who are part of our activities are kept safe, and enjoy the best outcomes. Download as a PDF file from this page, or read on for an overview of our approach to keeping children and young people safe at Woodcraft Folk.

Our Commitment

A child or young person should never experience abuse of any kind – they should be supported to feel comfortable and confident when participating in our activities and wider society.

Woodcraft Folk has a responsibility to promote the welfare of all children and young people and to keep them safe. Woodcraft Folk will not tolerate abuse, bullying or discrimination, which can harm children or young people emotionally, physically or psychologically.

We have listened to what children and young people say they need, and commit ourselves to:

  • putting children and young people’s needs first when we plan our activities
  • communicating openly with young members and volunteers
  • making sure people know they will be listened to when they speak out about things that make them uncomfortable
  • identifying a named person to lead on safeguarding for each group, event, project or centre
  • ensuring at least two adult volunteers supervise groups of young people
  • considering young people’s needs and gaining their consent if adults make physical contact
  • screening our volunteers who work with children
  • asking all volunteers to complete appropriate safeguarding training
  • risk assessing all our activities
  • keeping people’s personal information and other data safely
  • making sure children, young people and their parents/carers know who they can speak to about any concerns
  • taking concerns and allegations seriously and responding in the right way

Our Responsibilities

All volunteers and staff share responsibility to work together to keep children and young people safe at Woodcraft Folk by:

  • being familiar with our policy and and procedures
  • helping young members, parents and carers to understand how we keep young people safe
  • sharing any concerns promptly to their Local Safeguarding Lead. 

The staff who make up our Safeguarding Team will support Local Safeguarding Leads to take the right action in response to any issues or concerns. The Safeguarding Team will also work with Woodcraft Folk’s Board of Trustees, will make sure that we keep reviewing our policy and procedures, and learning the lessons from things that happen. 

Getting In Touch

The Local Safeguarding Lead for your group, district or centre should be the first point of contact for queries, issues or concerns. 

Woodcraft Folk’s Safeguarding Team can be contacted by emailing or by calling 020 7703 4173 and selecting option #4. 

Woodcraft Folk’s Lead Safeguarding Officer is Owen Sedgwick-Jell. He is supported by Lauren Karstadt and Leanne Powell, Membership & Groups Manager.

What Next?

Visit the Safeguarding pages of our website to find:


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