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Safeguarding Declaration

Use this template to ask adults participating in Woodcraft Folk activities to verify their suitability, in situations where it’s not appropriate to ask them to complete DBS or PVG checking. A Google Doc version of the declaration is also available in the Safeguarding Resource Drive – please create a copy of the file for use at your events.


Woodcraft Folk is a children’s and young people’s organisation; the safety and well-being of children and young people attending our groups and activities is paramount. Woodcraft Folk is committed to providing a safe and positive environment to enable children and young people to explore and develop. As such we ask all volunteers to undertake screening and vetting procedures to check their suitability to work with children and young people.

In some circumstances, adults who will be in contact with young people as part of Woodcraft Folk activities cannot or should not be subject to DBS/PVG checking. In these circumstances they will be asked to complete a Safeguarding Declaration. These may include:

  • guests (press, politicians, funders etc.) who will not be volunteering with young people or taking responsibility for them
  • session/workshop leaders or activity providers visiting a group or camp on a one-off basis
  • representatives of international organisations, unable to undergo UK record checks

The Safeguarding Declaration should not be used as a substitute for Woodcraft Folk volunteers undergoing the level of screening and vetting that is appropriate to their role.

Copies of Safeguarding Declarations must be kept by the Local or Event Safeguarding Lead for 12 months after engagement in Woodcraft Folk’s activities has come to an end. 

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