Outcomes for Young People

An effective programme of activities for a Woodcraft Folk group needs to explore our aims & principles in a way that is appropriate to the age and understanding of young members.

Woodcraft Folk’s Outcomes Matrix is designed to help translate these big ideas into outcomes that leaders can use as a basis for activities, by identifying age-appropriate knowledge, understanding and abilities linked to each of our aims & principles.
These are intended as a guide for volunteers, and the individual needs of groups will vary. You might often choose to revisit the outcomes from younger age groups, although the activities you choose to explore these may be different.

Using outcomes for programme planning

There are many ways to use this document to guide activity planning in your group. You might choose to take one of the themes as a common thread to run through a whole term’s programme, and run activities to meet each of the outcomes for the age group you are working with. An alternative approach would be to ensure that your group completes an activity from each column over the course of a year, ensuring that your programme touches on each of Woodcraft Folk’s aims & principles.

You can download both a print-friendly version and a colour-coded version of the outcomes document from this page for use with your group.


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