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Lockerbrook Camps for All a huge success

Over the weekend of 24 – 26 November young people from across the country came together at Woodcraft Folk’s Lockerbrook Residential Education Centre in the beautiful Peak District. 

25 young people from London, Leeds, Manchester, Todmorden, Newcastle, Derby and Sheffield attended, for some this was the first time they had taken part in Woodcraft Folk activities and for others, the young people were experienced Woodcraft Folk campers. 

During the weekend, the young people took part in a range of engaging and educational activities including a night walk to see the stars; a particular highlight for the group being able to spot Jupiter sparkling next to the moon!

On the Saturday, the participants all had the opportunity to take part in crate stacking, a gutter run cooperative challenge where they had to get a ball across the courtyard without touching it and a nightline activity where the group had to cooperate to guide each other whilst blindfolded along a course through the forest. 

Everyone was involved in the preparation, serving, eating and washing up from meals creating a community spirit!

The participants all took part in an interactive quiz on the Saturday evening where they worked together to answer questions about the world around us and their time at Lockerbrook. The group also enjoyed free time where they could play cards, table tennis and have time to read and chat with friends. Sunday saw the group enjoy a walk along the Derwent Reservoir and enjoying a packed lunch in the natural beauty around the centre. 

This event was the last Camps for All event of 2023.

Woodcraft Folk’s Programme Manager Lauren Karstadt says:

“It has been fantastic to engage so many new young people at our events this year as well as bring brilliant experiences to our existing young members. Camps for All have seen young people from all over the country come together, make friends, find common ground and enjoy adventurous and fun activities.” 

Find out more about Woodcraft Folk’s Camps for All events in 2024 here. The events are becoming increasingly popular as they gain awareness, with the last two being fully booked so make sure to secure your young persons place in advance to avoid disappointment!

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