July Supporter’s Update

Last week Woodcraft Folk’s CEO and Chair of the Trustee Board hosted the latest Supporters Update. The quarterly events are an opportunity for supporters and volunteers to hear about news from across the organisation.

Debs celebrated the work of Woodcraft Folk’s new Fundraiser, who successfully raised over £13,500 as part of the Champions for Children match funding campaign. This was only part of the funding news showcased during the update, which also shared how our Green Influencers project has been extended until June 2023.

Aggie updated supporters on Woodcraft Folk’s return to international work, not only the long awaited Common Ground but the latest international projects. For more information about our latest international opportunities visit https://woodcraft.org.uk/projects-campaigns/international-opportunities/

Aggie and Debs also encouraged supporters to approach their Trade Union branches with a request to affiliate to Woodcraft Folk. The organisation has attracted some new Trade Union affiliates in recent months, including the TSSA and financial support from the Communication Workers Union.

The update can be viewed here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-wnTt7YEeBI

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