Journey to Youth Leadership project trip to Spain

This June, Eireny, youth organisation Woodcraft Folk’s Development Officer, accompanied young participant Eedie on a trip to Mura, Spain. The trip was part of the Journey’s to Youth Leadership project which focuses on good governance within youth organisations. The project saw young people from all over the world come together and share their experiences of youth participation. They explored topics such as good governance, active youth participation and human rights.

The trip gave the duo the opportunity to hear from other young people involved in worldwide
youth organisations from Chile, Nicaragua, Austria, India, Finland, Norway and Spain . The
project brought up the importance of active and supported youth participation highlighting
how this can be improved within our own organisations.

The opportunity was a great way to engage in international projects as both were able to
gain a different perspective and see how young people around the world are also fighting for
the same things they stood for. That week great friendships were formed which will be
reignited at Common ground.

There are a range of opportunities linked to this project that will involve more international
trips. The most recent one will be during international camp Common Ground which Woodcraft Folk are hosting this summer where the second part of the project is known as: Journey’s to Youth Leadership Academy. This session will allow enthusiastic young people to gain skills around leadership, teamwork, strategic thinking and public speaking.

If you would like to find out more information about this opportunity email: This would be a great opportunity if you are a new group
leader or are looking to gain new skills which can be applied in the working world.

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