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Green Influencer’s gets project extension

Youth organisation Woodcraft Folk are really happy to announce that the Green Influencer scheme has been extended by 6 months meaning that Elaine Brown the charity’s Green Mentor will be able to engage lots more young people in youth social action and connection to nature themed activities. 

Woodcraft Folk are one of 36 host organisations that are part of the Ernest Cook #iwill Green Influencers Scheme that aims to support and engage young people (10-14 years – from disadvantaged backgrounds), to participate in green social projects. 

It has been a busy summer for the Green Influencers project.

The Green Influencers in Leeds were ere lucky enough to be awarded £10,000 of extra funding from the Ernest Cook Trust to help the young people achieve their green action projects which they have been planning and implementing.  

The Green Influencers at Coop Academy Grange were awarded £5000 to create a new school garden. The school has never had one before which made the funding even more welcome. The group planned their garden, came up with ideas for the funding application and then with the help of Hyde Park Source (a local community gardening charity), they built their school a beautiful garden with a tent for reading, balance beams to play on and lots of raised beds for vegetables and flowers. They also had financial support from Keelings (a food producer for Co-op) to fill the garden with plants to connect children to where food comes from.

You can follow the latest updates on the Green Influencers project on Twitter and Instagram.

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