General Council June Update

Woodcraft Folk’s Trustee Board met in June for an in person meeting in London during which they discussed items including:

  • Centre finances. The board were delighted to hear about the increase in centre bookings and to see the network exceed 2019 levels of engagement and income. The board also recognise that there has been a number of staff changes in the Centres Team and would like to thank all members of the team who have stepped up to support gaps whilst recruitment is undertaken. We were sorry to hear about Andy’s departure and wish him well.
  • Next strategic Plan 2025-2030. The board remain committed to ensuring that the organisation is financially sustainable whilst increasing the number and diversity of children and young people engaging in our activities. In small groups, the board discussed what they wanted to see for volunteers, young people and for the first time what they wanted for staff and donors. At the staff conference in September, there will be an opportunity for staff to input into the strategic planning process.
  • Governance structures. The Board looked at Governance structures and how these can be best used to support our young members to have their voices heard, whilst also providing a structure for consultation and feedback from our groups, Districts, centres and projects. A governance working group will be established to work on streamlining Woodcraft Folk’s processes and reduce any unnecessary burden on local groups.

An invitation is also shared by the trustees to the movement to Woodcraft Folk’s next AGM, taking place on 10th August during Venturer Camp which will be located at Biblins. There is also the option to join the meeting online for those who can’t make it in person. The board would love to see as many of there members there as possible.

Woodcraft Folk Trustee Eedie gives an overview on the recent General Council meeting in the video below.

The Trustee Board meets roughly every 2 months to maintain oversight of all Woodcraft Folk activities, alternating between online and face to face meetings.

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