General Council February update

Woodcraft Folk’s Trustee Board met in person on 11th-12th February at St Pancras YHA to go over the accounts and sign off on the Individual Giving Strategy and discuss staff survey results . The board commented how it was really positive not only to see Woodcraft Folk’s international camp Common Ground perform so well, but also to see centres returning to pre-pandemic levels. The board want to thank all the teams work to make this happen and to wish good luck to all of those staff who will be supporting the audit process over the next few months.

The group also discussed the future Strategic Plan. Over the next two years the board will be consulting volunteers, committees, young members and staff to inform the long-term direction of the organisation. The board highlighted it was clear that Woodcraft Folk needs to address its approach to volunteering, embed well-being into its structure and invest in systems to make progress on the charity’s ambitions to increase and widen participation.

A number of papers were supplied to the board such as a 2023 Communications Plan and the Trustees were delighted to see an increase in adult volunteers joining in 2022 from the Membership and Programs update.

Board member Tom Brooks gives an overview of the board meeting in the video below.

Woodcraft Folk’s Trustees are all volunteers, elected from the movement. They come together every few months to ensure Woodcraft Folk is well run.

Most members of General Council are elected by representatives of Woodcraft Folk groups and districts. There are reserved places for trustees aged under 25. This means that young people’s voices are always represented on the Board.

You can contact the General Council via email at 

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