Crianlarich Youth Hostel was once more filled with Woodcraft Folk clans, a Merry Moot, crafty makes, workshops, and co-operative games for Woodcraft Folk’s annual Scottish Gathering in late January. Those who attended said it was great to be back after two cancelled Covid years. Nearly 50 people from Edinburgh, Glasgow, Stirling and Inverness enjoyed the weekend activities with an emphasis on supporting volunteers and connecting through various types of active, board and card games.

Workshops included looking at volunteer motivation, recruitment and needs as well as how we make Woodcraft Folk camps and residentials successful, safe and supportive for young members and volunteers alike. Attendees also had a look back at their favourite activities from the past year and what made them good and thought forward to what they’d like to see in 2023. Spike Asri from General Council travelled (by train!) to discuss with everyone ideas for how Woodcraft Folk should be decarbonising at group night level, residentials and beyond.

Young people of all ages from Woodchips to DF’s took part in the Gathering of the Smalls with the Venturers and DF’s facilitating small groups each working on different tasks such as planning an Elfin and a Pioneer group night session, making a big calendar to be shared, and creating a poster about Scottish Committee. Venturers also discussed Venturer camp coming up this summer and potential topics to be included. The children’s programme included outdoor games, fire building and cooking, juggling, and prepping for the merrymoot show.

The excellent show had performances ranging from gymnastics, Scots poetry recital, mimes, a quiz, and singing – including a song to attract volunteers to Scottish Committee. The group were well fed with excellent food including some very tasty homemade baked beans.

On Sunday, the group managed to keep a fire going in some pretty dreich (Scottish for wet, cold, dreary, miserable) weather and huddled around singing lots of songs to keep spirits up. Scotland Woodcraft Folk want to everyone who made the weekend happen whether you helped plan, KP’d, or delivered a workshop or if you brought cake to share, joined in and did your clan duties – everyone plays their part.

If you’re living in Scotland and are part of Woodcraft Folk and would like to be on the Scottish Committee this year, please contact Fleur at There are some spaces spare.
Funded by the National Voluntary Youth Organisations Support Fund