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General Council February 2022 meeting update

Woodcraft Folk’s General Council met towards the end of February to receive an update from Debs Mccahon, Woodcraft Folk’s Chief Executive and Andy Taylor, the charity’s Head of Centres on all the hard work that has been carried out by staff and volunteers since the last council meeting back in November 2021.

Topics covered in the update included new staff recruits, group development, project activities, funding news and much more!

An in-depth presentation by Andy was given during the meeting regarding Woodcraft Folk’s centres, including their potential for growth and the exciting possible investment in a future centre. All of the Trustees are delighted at the progress being made with the centre network, especially the increased collaboration across the team.

Council members, Jeni Dixon and Eddie Moriarty, give a brief summary in the video below of what was discussed at the meeting.

The Trustees would like to thank all staff, volunteers, groups and supporters for their continued efforts and contribution to Woodcraft Folk.

The next in-person General Council meeting will be in May 2022. You can contact Woodcraft Folk’s General Council at

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