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London Region Pioneer Day

Woodcraft Folk’s London Region are running two Pioneer Days at Shadwell Activity Centre during 2024. The dates this year will be 20th April and 11th May. Pioneer Day is hugely popular and we recommend you book your places as soon as possible. Please make sure all bookings and payments are made via your district rather than individually. Please also make clear to parents that the day is strictly for Pioneers and all attendees must be over 9 years old.

The cost is £30 per child. If you are unable to subsidise the cost at a district level and cannot raise external funds please contact London Region for further discussion via the email address below.

Here is a flyer with more details and a suggested health/consent form can be found here. This can be adapted to an online form if you prefer but it is essential that leaders or parents accompanying the Pioneers on the day have access to this information as they will have to fill in a group consent form for the centre. 

Contact Belinda at for more information or questions


11 - 12 May 2024


All of the day


Shadwell Activity Centre
3-4 Shadwell Pierhead, Glamis Rd, London E1W 3TD

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