#Iwill Bereavement Toolkit Launch

Join Woodcraft Folk’s Development Officer Lauren Karstadt, partner youth workers at The Kite Trust and Cass Humphries-Massey who have been working on the #iwill bereavement project.
The team will talk through the process of collaboration so far creating an inclusive toolkit focusing on bereavement and grief which has been developed and inspired by our young members for youth workers, group leaders and young people themselves. The toolkit is aimed at giving practical and important advice to group leaders and youth workers who find themselves supporting a young person who is bereaved of if there is a bereavement within the group.
The session will involve interactive discussion around broaching conversations with young people about grief, particularly focusing on collective grief as a group as well as finding out more about the toolkit and some of the activities, information and ideas inside. We are welcoming participants of this session to share their own experiences (with consent and where appropriate) and share their thoughts on the toolkit before we publish it in the coming weeks.
If you have any questions or would like to share your thoughts or ideas about the toolkit or would like to speak further about supporting a young person who has been bereaved get in touch to lauren@woodcraft.org.uk


26 Jan 2023


6:00 pm - 7:00 pm


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